Chilkat v9.5.0.88 Release Notes

The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.87 Release Notes

Chilkat v9.5.0.88 Release Notes

  • Smart Card/ USB Token support: Greatly improved internals for automatically recognizing and handling smart cards and USB tokens from many different vendors. 
  • Smart Card – PKCS11 and Cert.LoadFromSmartcard now works on Linux and MacOSX systems. Also should work for Alpine Linux.
  • Cert.LoadFromSmartcard — Vastly improved to automatically recognize smart cards and do what is appropriate internally  (PKCS11, ScMinidriver, or Microsoft CNG/CryptoAPI).
  • PKCS11: Adding the PKCS11 class to bring smart card and USB token functionality to non-Windows systems, and to support smart cards that are problematic when accessed via Microsoft’s CNG and Legacy CSP.
  • 21-June-2021 SFTP:  Added the ability to authenticate with keyboard authentication in the same way as for SSH.   The StartKeyboardAuth and ContinueKeyboardAuth methods are added, and the UserAuthBanner property is added.
  • 8-June-2021 Crypt2: Added the option to calculate “CRC-8” for the CrcBytes and CrcFile methods.
  • 8-June-2021 SSH/SFTP: Added support for the “ecdsa-sha2-nistp521” and “ecdsa-sha2-nistp384” host key algorithms.
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