Using Microsoft Graph API HTTP Request/Response Documentation to Generate Code

This blog post describes how to use the raw HTTP request/response samples provided in the Microsoft Graph API documentation to generate Chilkat source code in your chosen programming language. First, let’s have a look at one particular request. This is the “Create call” action found in the Teamwork and Communications –> Calls and online meetings –> Calls –> Call documentation […]

More Microsoft Graph Misc Notes

Relaying more shared information: “I also wanted to notify you that the “profile” can also be extracted without the use of Graph API (User.Read): id_token contains that information and is given along with the access_token but it has to be decoded from a JWT ( openid, profile, email and offline_access are like some kind of “universal” scopes which can be […]

Microsoft Graph, Outlook, OAuth2, Resources, Audiences…

Here I’m just relaying bits of knowledge from a great Chilkat customer… “I learned meanwhile that Microsoft doesn’t like mixing “resources”, so if you request something from “Graph” resource and “Outlook” resource, they are incompatible resources, so you have to request different tokens for both, or request resource for only Graph and then refresh token only for “Outlook” resources – […]

How to Create Microsoft Graph App (in Azure Portal) for Client Credentials Authentication

1) Go to and login to your Microsoft account. Then click on Azure Active Directory 2) Click on “App registrations” Copy your Tenant ID, you’ll need it later. 3) Click on “+ New registration” 4) Name Your App and Click Register Give it a name (can be anything) and click Register.  Given that the intended authentication is by client […]